Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Aftermath of War...Death, Morning, Donations

30 pages

The time changes back to when Jack Bradley returns from the war in Antigo, Wisconsin and marries Elizabeth Van Gorp, his "childhood sweet heart." He owned a funeral home and held many services for the men who died in the war. They had eight kids and James Bradley, the author, was the middle child. They all wanted to know about their dads time in the war but he would never say anything about it. The death of Iggy probably still shocked him. He refuses interviews and always said "the ones that didnt come back are the real hero's."

"In peace, sons bury their fathers.  In war, fathers bury their sons."
Alright, basically chapter 15 is about all the mothers that learn the horrible news that their son has died in battle, including the mothers of Mike Strank, Harlon Block, and Franklin Sousley. The Treasury Department makes a Seventh Bond Tour, which are fund raising trips around the country, where Americans are influenced to donate to the war effort. So President Roosevelt gets the remaining flag raisers to a headquarters in the Pacific to influence them to donate. Later, everyone in the picture is identified except Harlon Block. He is mistaken for Hank Hansen, which Ira knows, but for some reason Ira was ordered to keep it a secret. Near the end of the chapter, President Trumen introduces the three remaining boys to the crowd at Griffith Stadium, where the New York Yankees played against the Washington Senators. This was probably the hardest time for most family's. Like everyone, if i had a son in war that had been killed, I wouldnt get over it for as long as i lived. It is just so sad how many Marines died on Iwo Jima and throughout the war..

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