Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"The Real Heroes Of Iwo Jima Were The Guys Who Didn't Come Back" -John Bradley

Flags of Our Fathers was written by James Bradley and Ron Powers and published in 2000. James Bradley was the son of  John Bradley, one of the six flag marines that raised the American flag on Iwo Jima. In my opinion, WWII was a very interesting time, which is why I am reading this. I read the first chapter (16 pages). I switched to this book because my first choice wasn't a good book.

    It starts by telling us that John returns home from war, and married one of his friends from his childhood and fathered 8 children. He never spoke of raising the flag or any experiences in the war. After his death, the family found two boxes in his father's closet that held the picture of raising the flag and many notes and journals of his everyday life fighting in World War II.  The family wanted to know about his "forgotten" history. They traveled to Iwo Jima and had a private tour of the area and the mountain. Stunned with the realization of what his father had fought and survived in, inspired him to write this book. He retraces the lives of his father and the men of his Company as they fought through Hell.

For those of you that dont know what guy is who. this pic will tell ya.

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